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Do you want to help us learn about the brain?

Are you 9 to 16 years old?

We are recruiting for a research study that examines how the brain responds to stress in adolescents using safe, state of the art methods for clinical assessments and brain imaging.

Participation in this study will occur over the course of three visits. The first day of your participation in this research study will take place at UNC-Chapel Hill and will last approximately 2 hours. During the first visit, you will be interviewed, asked to fill out some questionnaires, and will be asked to complete several computerized tasks. The next two visits can happen in any order. One will take place at UNC-Chapel Hill where you will be completing several tasks while we record electroencephalography (EEG) data, and it will take approximately 3 hours. The other will take place at Duke University Hospital and will last about 3 hours. During this session, you will be placed in an MRI scanner and will complete several tasks on a computer while we measure your brain activity using the MRI. You will be reimbursed $50 per session, with the potential of earning up to $350.

UNC IRB # 13-3857.

Since participants are under the age of 18, a parent or guardian must complete the eligibility form. This form will ask you a series of questions in order to determine whether your son or daughter will be eligible to take part in this research study. You are under no obligation to answer any or all of the questions, and your participation is voluntary. Your responses will be kept confidential and will only be used to help us determine whether you are eligible to take part in our research study and to contact you about setting up a time to participate.

Would you like to continue?

If YES, please click the “Am I Eligible” button. If NO, thank you for your interest.


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